My Dear Friend Tzippy Shlissel Beaten by Israeli Police Pigs in Hebron Shuk

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Hevron: Expulsion Pushed Off, Arrests Continue 16:11 Jan 19, '06 / 19 Tevet 5766By Hillel Fendel

The IDF/police forces in Hevron have opened the city and it is essentially no longer a closed military zone. Non-residents are permitted to enter. Brutal arrests are continuing, however.
As of 11 AM, the barriers that had been placed around the residents' homes were removed, and the massive security presence of the past few days is dropping gradually.However, it was reported that Mrs. Tzippy Shlissel - a mother of ten and a resident of the Jewish-owned property at the center of the current controversy (see below) - was brutally arrested this afternoon. Rabbi Menashe Naki of Ramat Beit Shemesh gave the following testimony:"I saw Tzippy Slissel standing in the Avraham Avinu neighborhood, praying, and when she finished, she saw my guest from Malta, and began coming over to see him. Suddenly, four policemen jumped on her, threw her to the ground, grabbed her hands and legs and beat her as she lay on the ground."Rabbi Naki did not note that she was carrying her months-old baby at the time, and the two of them were placed inside the narrow police van with four policemen, "totally doubled over, on the knees of one of the policemen sitting inside. She did not resist arrest at all, not physically and not verbally. Slamming the door, which closed on her foot, the jeep sped away." For pictures and a video of part of the arrest, see .

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