Mazal Tov, Shimshon!

Motza'ei Shabbat Qodesh "Nahamu" 5767

Shimshon Cytryn Shimshon Cytryn, a passionate Land of Israel activist, for acts of self-defense, has been through the Israeli judicial system's "wild ride" of nonsense for the past two years.

In 2005, Shimshon was accused of the attempted murder of a rock-throwing Arab in the Shirat HaYam community in Gush Katif, Azza. His alleged acts of self-defense and defense of his fellow Jews, gained him entrance into the anti-Torah-biased, Israeli criminal court system. After almost two years of arrests, incarcerations, solitary confinement, house-arrests, hearing and trials, Shimshon was exonerated from the attempted murder charges, yet found guilty of aggravated assault.

Unfortunately, his father Shmu'el was not able to attend this court appearance, as he himself was "under house arrest for having tried to stop two Arabs who stoned his car and smashed his windshield," as reported by Hillel Fendel of Israel National News.

Finally, Shimshon and his family are able to share with the public some good news:

Shmu'el and Liorah Cytryn and Yechi'el and Dalia Bengossi are pleased to announce the marriage of their children Shimshon Avihai and Oriyah Miryam

The wedding will take place, IY"H, this Wednesday, 17 Menahem Av 5767 (August 1, 2007), 6:30 PM at the Cave of Makhpelah, in the Holy City of Hevron, and would be honored to have the participation of you and your family.

Mazal Tov to Shimshon, Oriyah, their parents, and grandparents:

Aharon and Marilyn Cytryn

Yosef and Ester Bengossi

Siman Tov and Miryam Geula

...greater family and friends.


Rafael V. Rabinovich said...

Mazal Tov!

Hevron is going through a roller-coaster of emotions. I hope the Shalhevet Neighbourhood is rebuilt soon.

Miriam said...

hi. I saw your comment at Live in Israel. Are you Teimani?

I just went to a Teimani wedding, of sorts last night. Anyway, nice blog!

Nofia Vered Shem-Tov said...

Thank you for the compliment on the blog and feel free to visit often. Shimshon is from "America born" parents I believe.

Be well! Gemar Chatima Tova!

Nofia Altman