
About an hour ago as I was listening to the recording of yesterday's Weekend Edition program of Israel National News, on which Jeff Seath calls in to speak with Tamar Yona, I got a phone call. I asked him to hold because I was trying to hear Jeff repeat his email address for listeners on the radio show. When I got back on the phone, the man on the other end told me he is Jeff Seath!!! I said, "Wow! I was just sending you email! That's why I put you on hold!"

Anyhow, he called back and gave me the "whole story," which will be updated and blogged here tomorrow night G-d Willing.

Jeff needs to see your faces on Thursday at Haifa's 8th district courthouse. But more importantly, the judge needs to see them. Our lawbreakers - I mean lawmakers - need to see that Israel's citizens expect democracy in deed not just in name.

By the way, the trial was originally scheduled to take place in a different courthouse in Haifa which is now being repaired due to Katushya fire.

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