Arab Judge: Halamish to Jail

The Halamish brothers from Gush Etzion were just ordered, by an Arab Supreme Court judge, to present themselves for imprisonment first thing tomorrow morning. (It's nice to have plenty of notice about these things…). This order was given a few minutes ago. The Supreme Court judge was to have held a hearing pursuant to a District Court decision which referred the case to him, however, he has refused to do so. This is standard, unfortunately, when settlers are involved.

So, the Halamish brothers, guilty of shooting only in the air and injuring no one responsive to a security event – in other words, innocent of any crime – will go to jail tomorrow. Women in Green request your presence at a demonstration at the Migrash haRusim – Russian Compound – in Jerusalem at 9 AM tomorrow morning (Monday May 5). For details Nadya 0505500834 or Datya 0505246770

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